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11 Noises Your Cat Makes and Why

Photo by YuryKara at Shutterstock


If the un-spayed female is outdoors, then her caterwauling is meant to draw a male, and then mating will occur. She will take a lordosis position while the male bites her neck and starts the mating process.

Moreover, cats in the midst of a fight might scream, too. These primeval shrieks might come after a long and ominous yowl, and they usually punctuate a climactic paw swat or even a vicious bite.

Stray cats are way more likely to fight, but even fixed pets might actively feel the need to defend their territories. To avoid fighting injuries to your cat, you might want to keep them indoors.

If you feel you read interesting things here and you’d like to know more, we also recommend reading: 8 Subtle Signs Your Dog Is Constipated

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