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Watch Out! These 6 Cat Breeds Can Destroy Your Home

Photo by Fazlyeva Kamilla from

#1 Balinese

Balinese cats are unquestionably “magical,” as we can confirm. Their early history is unknown, despite the fact that they are closely linked to Siamese cats. The Balinese are basically Siamese with long hair and a sweet temperament. 

Balinese have lovely and charming looks. They are friendly and enjoy following you, so they always do as you do. A Balinese cat is simple to train due to its obedient nature. Because they watch over your every move, you can sometimes get the impression that you are being trained.

Due to its slim body, the Balinese cat is a powerful and effective jumper. They may easily jump onto the top of your fridge, bookcases, or even the tops of doors or windows. Therefore, you must have cat trees or tall perches if you really want a Balinese. Otherwise, you risk losing your vases or other valuable furnishings.

The active and playful Balinese can focus their energy on tricks and games or agility training. Whenever you leave this cat unattended for too long, you’ll undoubtedly find stuff chewed or scratched when you return home.

Because they are playful, you may keep them busy by giving them puzzles, teaser toys, and a large cat tree. They also enjoy walking on a leash and playing fetch.

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