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Watch Out! These 6 Cat Breeds Can Destroy Your Home

Photo by Seregraff from shutterstock.com

#2 Bengal

Bengals prefer to investigate things and explore all the corners of your house. What lies beneath the bed? What’s on this shelf’s top? Is there any limit to how many ways I can force my way through and out of this cupboard? Be careful to give this cat plenty of space to explore. Bengals appreciate the company of humans and other animals as well. They have been described as aggressive by some, which most likely occurs when they are bored or frustrated.

Bengals are known to be active, feisty, and even destructive cats, particularly when they are young. This reputation is somewhat well-deserved. 

It goes without saying that you must be ready for the likelihood that your Bengal cat may be highly destructive if you decide to bring one home. Bengal cat owners agree that these cats tend to be more destructive than other breeds. They also frequently express their complaints about their cats’ tendency to attack and scratch furniture, soft goods, curtains, and other precious items.

Cover your more treasured or valuable belongings to prevent your Bengal from “vandalizing” them. As they say, out of sight, out of mind! For instance, if you have paintings on display, you might want to consider hanging them high enough so that your cat will have trouble getting to them.

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