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Did You Know These 7 Cat Breeds Live The Longest?

Photo by Viktor Sergeevich from

#3 Bombay

The Burmese roots of the Bombay cat are very obvious in its personality. The Bombay is a very sociable, perceptive, and people-oriented cat. It develops close relationships with the members of its family and greatly values human interaction. But it’s important to keep in mind that every cat is a unique creature with a distinct personality.

Bombay cats look mysterious because of their gorgeous jet-black fur. Despite the dominance of the black coat gene, you may occasionally see a kitten with more bright coloring. Children and strangers alike are welcome to interact with Bombay cats.

All things aside, Bombay cats are smart, fun, and attention-seeking. The maximum lifespan of a Bombay cat is 20 years. There’s no denying that Bombay cats make excellent family pets, but sadly, they’re fairly uncommon, and it could be challenging to obtain one.

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