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Did You Know These 7 Cat Breeds Live The Longest?

Photo by NTP_RASTA from

#4 Persian

Persian cats are cheerful and curious, but they won’t start snooping around your house hunting for water glasses to tip over. Furthermore, these cats are well-built, so they won’t try to climb the curtains. They’ll probably be sleeping on the coziest pillow they can find.

The average life expectancy for the cuddly and charming Persian cat is between 15 and 20 years. Despite their calm and reserved appearance, they are extremely sociable and enjoy cuddling up to their beloved owners. 

Persian cats are vulnerable to illnesses like corneal ulcers, stomach issues, diarrhea, and other conditions just like other cat breeds. Make sure to take your Persian cat to the vet for regular checkups if you own one.

Grooming is another challenge with Persian cats. In order to avoid matting, you must regularly wash and brush their fur. While Persian cats have gorgeous long fur, if they have a tendency to shed a lot, it can cause chaos in your home.

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