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Did You Know These 7 Cat Breeds Live The Longest?

Photo by Viacheslav Lopatin from

#6 Burmese

It’s really difficult to not like Burmese cats right away. Burmese cats are intelligent, joyful, and highly sociable with people. They pick up interactive activities like fetch and tag very quickly. Thanks to their adoring, almost canine personalities and their enormous, expressive eyes, they make wonderful choices for any self-described “non-cat person.”

A Burmese cat that is 35 years old currently holds the title of oldest living cat. Naturally, Burmese cats often don’t live that long. Burmese cats live an average of 18 to 25 years, which is considerably longer than the typical lifespan of cats.

Many people mistake Birman cats for Burmese cats. The Birman cat breed is a huge cat breed with a stocky look, in contrast to the medium-sized Burmese cat breed. Another obvious difference between Burmese and Birman cats is that the former has shorter, silkier coats, while the latter has medium-long fur. Burmese cats are active, amusing, and sociable. They are excellent family pets as they are child-friendly.

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