Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Some breeds, such as Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Great Danes, and Irish Setters, are at risk of suffering from cardiomyopathy, which is a weird disease in dogs known to weaken the heart muscle over time.
This isn’t the kind of disease that you can find with tests beforehand, as no predictive tests are available. Instead, the only solution is to perform yearly screenings right after they reach middle age.
At least in Dobermans, the incidence is close to 60%. In this case, prevention means everything, so it’s also important to buy from a breeder that really knows everything there is to know about the condition and can fully inform you about the history of their animals.
Obviously, there are many other genetic dog diseases. In fact, the list is endless, but if you’re curious to read more useful information about dogs, here’s what we recommend: 10 Contagious Diseases Your Dog May Get in Public Places