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7 Most Popular Dog Breeds in Florida

Photo Olena Tselykh from

1. Chihuahua

These sassy pups are common in the Sunshine State, and for good reason. They have a short coat that is perfect for the hot summer temperatures. Because of that, they don’t mind living in Florida.

Also, we can’t forget that this state is a popular choice among seniors, and most of them prefer to take care of a smaller dog. Chihuahuas are proud, but at the same time, they are charming and loving. Their temperament is perfect for those who want a little bit of entertainment in their lives.

Since they are so small, it is extremely easy to carry them around. If you want to take your Chihuahua to the beach with you, you can put them in your purse or bag, and you are good to go. We are sure this pup will enjoy spending a day with you on the beach.

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