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What Can You Do to Help Your Dog After Neutering? 9 Important Things!

help your dog after neutering
Photo by Nukky Starlet from Shutterstock

Keep your dog distracted

Distracting your dog from the wound’s location is essential for a complete recovery after surgery. Additionally, you must maintain your dog’s composure to prevent him from ripping out the sutures and delaying the healing process. Walk your dog slowly, but try to prevent him from leaping up on or off any furniture.

When you take your dog outside, keep him leashed to keep him under control. When you’re not home to watch after your dog, you might also want to put him in a crate.
Throughout the day, make sure your dog’s sutures are still intact by checking them.

If you have two dogs, keep the in-heat female away from the neutered male

Keep spayed females and neutered males apart. For up to 30 days following a spay or neuter procedure, neutered males might cause an unspayed female to become pregnant.

For seven days, keep neutered females away from unneutered males. Other domestic pets may smell different from animals coming from the vet’s office. Be ready to separate your dogs for a few days after surgery because this might lead to them fighting.

If you find the article about how to help your dog after neutering useful you may also be interested in 5 Alarming Signs Your Dog Has a Mental Illness.

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