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What Can You Do to Help Your Dog After Neutering? 9 Important Things!

help your dog after neutering
Photo by UfaBizPhoto from Shutterstock

Check the odor

Another major thing that you can do to help your dog after neutering is to check if it’s getting smelly, mostly due to bathing restrictions.

Most veterinarians advise not washing for up to 14 days following surgery because the wound has to heal properly during this period, but your dog may smell bad during that time.

Because dogs are unable to groom themselves, you could also detect a general odor surrounding your dog’s private parts. For some pet owners, this might become moderately unpleasant. Keep in mind that this issue is just temporary.

However, if you are afraid of an infection because you are not able to wash your dog, ask your vet if a dry shampoo for dogs is allowed to be used.

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