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Your Senior Dog Will Thank You for Doing These 8 Things!

senior dog
Photo by Annette Shaff from Shutterstock

How to take care of them

Geriatric dogs have a whole new set of care requirements compared to adult dogs or puppies.

If you want to provide what’s best for your senior dog, you might have to do things a bit differently.

Age-appropriate diet

First things first: the diet. What they eat plays an essential role in maintaining proper health, even as they age.

Older dogs are at a higher risk of developing obesity as they no longer have the same levels of energy as they did.

It is extremely important to find the best dog food designed for your loved one so you can prevent weight gain.

These types of foods are usually low in fat and have fewer calories, which will perfectly complement the nutritional needs of your dog, like this one.

As older dogs often experience different health conditions, you could also consult with a vet, especially if your dog has a special condition.

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