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Why Do Dogs Twitch in Their Sleep? 6 Things to Know

dogs twitch in their sleep
Photo by eva_blanco from Shutterstock

Is twitching a cause for concern?

Well, as I mentioned before, dogs twitch in their sleep, so if you spot your dog twitching while awake, then yes, it is a reason for concern.

Twitching during REM sleep is completely normal, but twitching when they aren’t snoozing might be a sign of a brain-health problem.

Epilepsy is known to be a neurological condition that might cause seizures, which might look a lot like the twitching your dog does when he sleeps.

If the dog twitches while he’s still awake, then it might be related to a metabolic or neurological issue.

If twitching happens in one specific part of the body, it might be neurologic, but it could also show a local problem, such as discomfort or a nerve issue.

If your dog is twitching while asleep, be careful with his body language. Sleeping dogs are technically in a relaxed body position, so dogs that are experiencing a medical condition might be in a tense or rigid body position.


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