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The 12 Dog Breeds Most Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign

german shepperd
Photo by Marcelo Rodriguez from Shutterstock

Aries- German Shepherd

Aries is known to be a headstrong sign with tremendous leadership qualities. So, Aries would likely prefer to have a dog breed with the same characteristics and qualities that would be able to follow their lead.

And when it comes to such breeds, we’re definitely talking about the German Sheperd, Doberman Pinscher, and Weimaraner. Do you want to know another fun fact? The Weimaraner is also one of the fastest dog breeds in the entire world!

Taurus- Boxer

Taurus is probably one of the most loyal and reliable signs, and they are famous for preferring the finer things in life.

While it’s considered that finding a dog breed that’s extremely loyal is an easy task, there are a couple of dog breeds that stand out in this category.

If you’re a Taurus, we’d strongly recommend you get a Boxer, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, or Great Dane (which is one of the biggest dog breeds out there).

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