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The 12 Dog Breeds Most Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign

Photo by Robert Way from Shutterstock

Capricorn- Shiba Inu

Capricorns are serious, hard-working, and sturdy people. They are usually more reserved, and they value discipline greatly.

The type of dog that would fit their description and requirements (because yes, when it comes to Capricorns, you CAN talk about requirements), has to be calm, and not too fussy. Capricorns wouldn’t like to have a dog that’s too energetic.

Well, we’d advise you to get a Belgian Sheepdog, a Shar-Pei, a Pekingese, or a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Aquarius- Labrador Retriever

The Aquarius is fairly unique among other zodiac signs. First, they’re extremely original, smart, independent, and humanitarian, so they need a dog breed that fits the description.

When it comes to Aquarius, we think that Labrador Retrievers, Lhasa Apso, Collie, Habanese, and Poodles would be the best choices.

Pisces- St. Bernard

The most sensitive sign is also the most curious, bright, and kind. When it comes to Pisces, we’d think that a Maltese, a St. Bernard, or a Cocker Spaniel would fit the description.

If you’re interested in other similar topics, we also recommend that you read this: 7 Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds Perfect For Retirees

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