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The 12 Dog Breeds Most Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign

Photo by Pandas from Shutterstock

Libra- Newfoundland

Libras are one of the most gentle signs, and they’re known to love balance and harmony, which is exactly why they would love having a dog that’s just as easygoing and bursting with love and energy.

It’s true that some people have a deep fear of big dogs, but oftentimes, these are exactly the dog breeds that are the warmest and cuddliest. For instance, Newfoundland is a great example.

A grown Newfoundland male could weigh up to 150 lbs. or more, and any dog expert out there could easily confirm that these dogs are 100% made out of sweetness and devotion. Other dog breeds that might fit with a Libra are the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Siberian Husky.

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