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6 Friendly Dog Breeds That Love Socialization

Image By LSphotoCZ From Shutterstock

6. Border Collie

These pups are the most intelligent dog breed known to humankind. They used to be herding dogs, and they even learned a language made only from wishes in order to do a better job.

Today, if you want a good companion for your family, just take a border collie into your household. Besides being extremely intelligent, these canines are also incredibly beautiful. Just look at those adorable eyes and also at that beautiful, elegant coat.

They are easy to train, and more than that, they like to be trained. They actually enjoy the whole process since they are thirsty for new and exciting activities. Collies are also very sociable and friendly, but keep in mind that their herding instincts are still strong. Don’t be surprised if they attempt to round up the other pets you have and even the kids.

Other than that, border collies will stay young even when their bodies get older. Their minds will be forever young, and they will always be eager to play with you or other pups.

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