4. Boxer
They might look a little bit intimidating, but these pups have big hearts and are always ready to give you all of their love. Intelligent and playful, boxers adore staying busy. That’s why you should have something prepared for them at any time. Whether it is a walk in the park, a game of fetch, or a car trip, this pup will always be happy to spend time in your company.
But boxers are not that friendly with everyone they meet. If trained and socialized early, they could be, but in general, they are very protective of their owners. So, even if they are family dogs that enjoy the presence of people in their lives, you need to know that they might not be that friendly with strangers.
Boxers are great for folks who want a canine friend with them most of the time or for bigger, active families with houses that are frequently inhabited by someone. They like to be where the action is. They can live in a country house with a big yard or in an apartment. As long as they have somewhere to use their high amount of energy, these dogs won’t mind any living conditions.