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You Won’t Believe How Smart These 8 Dog Breeds Are

dog breed
Photo by Diana Kellior from Shutterstock

#2 Poodle

The poodle is frequently thought to be sophisticated and high maintenance due to its appearance. However, this does not diminish their intelligence. The breed is praised for its high levels of social and cognitive intelligence. In fact, the Poodle ranks directly below the Border Collie on the list of the smartest dog breeds.

And granted, the dogs may appear a little aristocratic, but they have also been used to bring food to troops on the front lines of battle. Quick-learner poodles were the natural option because the work demanded obedience, constant attention, and sound judgment. 

Poodles are intelligent and like demanding activities like obedience training, tracking, hunting, and agility contests. Additionally, the breed has a playful sense of humor and a predisposition for pulling pranks.

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