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You Won’t Believe How Smart These 8 Dog Breeds Are

Photo by Lisjatina from

#6 Shetland Sheepdog

The small Shetland sheepdog can accomplish everything a larger herding dog can on much less food. They were specifically bred as the “small relative of the collie” for this reason. They were used by farmers in the UK’s Shetland Islands to herd livestock other than sheep. The sheltie, as it is sometimes referred to, was employed to herd both horses and chickens.

Shelties are excellent at picking up new commands quickly because they are eager to impress and driven to keep trying until they succeed. They are ranked 6th on the list of intelligent dog breeds due to their relative cleverness, loyalty, and quickness.

Shetland sheepdogs, like golden retrievers, are appreciated for both their intelligence and their personality, making them one of the best dogs for families with kids. Despite their tiny stature, these fluffy little pups make great guard dogs due to their keen awareness of danger.

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