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These 5 Safe Dog Breeds Are the Least Likely to Attack!

safe dog breeds
Image By Pandas From Shutterstock


We end our list with the biggest dog here yet!

Even bigger than the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Newfoundland stands at an impressive 28 inches at the shoulder, with males going up to 150 pounds and females anywhere between 100 and 120.

Lovingly known as Newfies, these large dogs are huge teddy bears. They are sweet-tempered and famous for how good of a companion they make to humans.

These majestic dogs are now known to be some of the best ‘nanny dogs’ out there. They are intelligent, patient, and love humans and kids.

They come in a variety of colors, and the signature characteristic of this breed is that they are sweet in temperament.

Newfies are known to be human-loving and gentle giants that make for amazing, loving pets. Despite this, know that owning such a big dog comes with challenges that are not related to their temperament.

Their coats need around-the-clock maintenance, and obviously, getting such a big and heavy dog is not for everyone!

Dog lover? If you are looking for a lifelong companion, there are dog breeds out there that are known for their longevity. Check out the ones who live longest in our article here!

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