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The 6 Most Adorable Dogs Who Lived in the White House

Richard Nixon and Checkers via Pinterest

#6 Checkers: Cocker Spaniel – Richard Nixon

Nixon owned three dogs while serving as president from 1969 to 1974: King Timahoe the Irish Setter, Pasha the terrier, and Vicky the poodle. However, Checkers the cocker spaniel, who became famous in 1952 when Nixon was running for vice president as a Republican, was his most well-known pet.

Nixon was accused of abusing a political expenses fund during the campaign, which led his running mate, Dwight Eisenhower, to consider replacing him on the ticket. In September of that year, Nixon defended himself in front of a live 60 million-person radio and television audience, claiming he had done nothing illegal with the money and criticizing his rivals.

During the 30-minute speech, he revealed that a fan in Texas had sent his family a dog named Checkers as a gift. Nixon’s career was salvaged by the infamous “Checkers speech,” which won him widespread favor. He stayed on the ticket and won the vice presidential election. In 1964, Checkers passed away.

We know that there’s no love like the love of a dog. Like people, dogs may show their affection in a variety of ways. Maybe you are looking for a pup that is more eager to show you that he loves you. If you are curious and want to know what breeds of dogs are the most affectionate ones, you should check out: 9 Affectionate Dog Breeds That Will Love You To The Moon And Back.

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