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10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

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Photo by NORRIE3699 from Shutterstock

#4 Dachshund

They have their roots in Germany in the 17th century and were mainly used for badger hunting. Dachshunds were on the edge of going extinct at the end of World War I, yet populations have since recovered, and they are now among the most well-liked dogs in America.

Dachshunds are famous for possessing vivacious, amiable, and devoted personalities. They are also eager to protect their loved ones. Dachshunds like to make sure their owner is always safe and secure. Weiner dogs occasionally have a tendency to lose sight of their small size and exhibit the attitude of much bigger dogs. 

But dachshunds are not innately violent dogs, it is not a trait that runs in the family. Some dachshunds may exhibit violent behavior as a result of outside influences, such as a painful socialization experience when they were puppies.

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