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10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

Photo by byrdyak from Envato Elements

#8 Dalmatian

The Dalmatian’s precise ancestry is yet unknown. Paintings discovered on the walls of certain Egyptian tombs show dogs that look like Dalmatians rushing behind chariots. They have been trained as carriage dogs to protect goods and passengers since the late 18th century.

These dogs are known for playing the 101 Dalmatians in the Disney movie, and they have a history of being good family dogs. However, Dalmatians, like the other dogs we’ve talked about, have a reputation for being guard dogs, which makes them particularly hostile to outsiders.

Dalmatians should start getting socialized at a young age. They get along well with kids, but if their owner doesn’t give them enough care, they may start to show behavioral problems. They need frequent opportunities to play and exercise to let some of their high energy levels out.

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