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Which Are the Cheapest Dog Breeds in America?

Photo by Aneta Jungerova from Shutterstock

4. Border collie

This is the most intelligent breed of dog, and this has been verified by years and years of research. Border Collies are basically the geniuses of the canine world. Puzzles? They love them. The ability to read human emotions? They are excellent at that. And these are only a few examples. What we are trying to say is that you can get one of those little puppy Einsteins without taking too much money out of your pocket.

Originally, they were trained to be herd dogs, and they used to know an entire whistle language. They recognized many whistle commands and were ready to execute them right away. They were so good at what they were doing that the legend says they were able to control sheep just by staring at them.

They are great family pets that get along with both pets and humans. They are extremely active, but if you are always ready for a walk, they can get used to city life. Border collies are not big fans of staying inside.

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