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These 5 Long-Haired Dog Breeds Will Turn Heads Everywhere You Go

People will always love dogs, no matter what. They can be small or tall, with curly hair or big eyes; all pups are adorable, and you can’t deny that. But the long-haired breeds have always had a place on the podium in any canine beauty contest. And we are not surprised at all! They look so elegant with their gorgeous locks in the blowing wind.

But if you plan to have a pooch with long hair, you need to know that it will require a lot of meticulous grooming. And really, now, what were you expecting? That fantastic coat is not going to maintain itself.

There are many long-haired breeds; some have shiny, silky, fine hair, while others have corded coats that need to be kept in mats. If you are curious, stay with us and discover them all.

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