5. Lhasa Apso
This is an ancient breed that comes from Tibet, where it used to be a watchdog for Buddhist temples and monasteries. As soon as this protective pup saw people approaching, it would sound the alarm.
Its name comes from the Tibetan city of Lhasa, and “apso” means “dog with long hair.” So, the name perfectly describes this puppy.
Besides being guard dogs, Lhasa Apsos are also amazing companions. They are affectionate and loving with the ones they know and trust, but with strangers, they tend to be aloof and suspicious. Because of this, they tend to bark a lot, and their sharp sounds can become annoying. This is the reason they need proper training and socialization.
These dogs are couch potatoes, so you need to take them for daily walks and also be careful when giving them treats. Never give them too much food and treats since they can easily become obese.
Lhasa apsos have a long, straight, double-layered coat that rarely sheds. Even if they don’t shed, they still need to be brushed two to three times a week. Also, they require professional grooming every few months. There are some people who keep the hair of their Lhasa Apsos in a short clip.
If you are worried that your dog eats a lot and you suspect this will affect its health, you should also read: 7 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Become Obese Overnight