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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

afghan hound dog
Photo by David Raihelgauz from

#8 Afghan Hound ($7000)

The Afghan Hound is the runway supermodel of long-haired canines with stunning locks. Their regal and aristocratic aspect, however, requires a lot of upkeep. This breed can be ideal for you if you enjoy spoiling your pet. To preserve such smooth hair, frequent brushing and weekly showers are necessary.

Afghan hounds are independent, self-assured, and a little bit strong-willed, which makes them difficult to train. They may also be really nice and clownish, though. They could come across as snobbish and distant with outsiders, but they are generally loving with their own families.

The lifespan of the hounds is usually between 10 and 14 years, and you may have to pay more due to their medical needs. This puppy’s cost is increased even further by its susceptibility to cataracts and hypothyroidism, both of which have a cost of $3,000 or more. 

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