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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Photo by Sofia Dudova from Shutterstock

#1 Samoyed ($14,000)

One of the priciest dog breeds is the lovely and fluffy Russian breed, which is well known for its contagious smile. That smile not only warms our hearts, but it also serves a useful function. The canines’ lips’ turned-up corners stop them from drooling, which stops icicles from developing on their faces. 

They make wonderful playmates for children and adults of all ages since they are gentle and affectionate with individuals of all ages. However, because they are quickly bored, they are best suited for owners who have the leisure to give them lots of mental and physical stimulation, whether it be playing hide-and-seek outside or a stimulating dog puzzle indoors.

You should also check out: 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America

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