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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Photo by Karen Appleby from Shutterstock

#5 Canadian Eskimo ($8,750)

With fewer than 300 canines left in 2018, the Canadian Eskimo is among the rarest breeds in the entire globe. Since the 1960s, their numbers have been declining since they were first introduced to the United States from Siberia more than a thousand years ago.

The snowmobile and the RCMP’s dog-killing campaigns between 1950 and 1970 were the major causes of their population decrease. Approximately 20,000 Canadian Eskimos were slain by the Canadian Police in an effort to deliberately disrupt the breed’s way of life; the population has never recovered.

The breed is also susceptible to heat intolerance, arthritis, stomach torsion, and entropion, a condition in which the eyelid bends over itself. They are not recommended for households with young children since Canadian Eskimos are also believed to be quite territorial and frequently overreact to little disturbances.

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