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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Photo by volofin from Shutterstock

#2 Lowchen ($12,000)

Due to its French ancestry, the Löwchen is also referred to as the “small lion dog” and has been a favorite across Europe for more than 500 years. When there were just 65 of them left in the world in 1973, it was the rarest dog on the planet; today, there are just 300 recorded per year.

The Löwchen also ranks among the friendliest dogs on the planet. They are energetic and playful, making them ideal for households with kids. All that said, they require constant attention from people; they get sad when left alone for extended periods of time.

Although it’s not the priciest dog in the world, these tiny canines are remarkably healthy, so you won’t fall into debt having to pay for their medical issues. The problem is the puppy’s upfront pricing. Löwchen’s have a long lifespan of 13 to 15 years, so you get a great deal of value for your money.

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