Russian Blue
The Russian Blue produces fewer Fel d1 proteins than many other breeds, even if they have a thick double coat. They’re a wonderful choice for people with cat allergies.
This breed is beloved and well-known for its playfulness and loyalty, and don’t be surprised if your Russian Blue cat follows you around the house all day long and gets a bit nosey.
Cornish Rex
Similar to their relatives, the Devon Rex cats, the Cornish Rex cats have only one layer of fine hair and tend to shed way less.
These cats have an astounding appearance, with long, beautiful legs and large ears. Given their unusual coat, they might need the occasional bath to remove all that oil buildup on their skin.
Cornish Rex is as loyal as it gets and might even be a bit too demanding when they don’t get the needed attention. They are wildly intelligent cats, and they can be easily trained to walk on a leash.