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8 Subtle Signs Your Dog Is Constipated

your dog is constipated
Photo by Tikhonova Yana from Shutterstock

Signs of dog constipation

Your dog is constipated if you notice him struggling to defecate. Naturally, it’s extremely easy to confuse it with other well-known problems, such as diarrhea and trouble peeing.

If you notice that your dog can’t pee, you need to call an emergency vet right away because this is definitely a medical emergency.

As constipation becomes even worse, you might notice your dog is lethargic; he simply stops eating and starts vomiting.

If you notice any of these signs, you need to call an emergency vet right away. There are other telltale signs of constipation, such as:

  • scooting (caused by discomfort);
  • swelling around the anus;
  • pacing between episodes of straining;
  • vocalizing when he tries to poop;
  • less frequent bowel movements;
  • passing smaller and harder pieces of stool in odd places;
  • hunched position;
  • sensitive stomach (your dog will become aggressive if you touch his stomach).
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