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8 Subtle Signs Your Dog Is Constipated

your dog is constipated
Photo by Javier Brosch from Shutterstock

Causes of dog constipation

There are many reasons why your dog is constipated, and probably the number one reason is that he’s eating things that are indigestible, which will automatically become lodged in the colon, preventing his feces from advancing.

There might be other reasons for constipation, such as:


  • items that are hard to digest;
  • diet change;
  • low-fiber diet.

Change in household and routine

  • stress from boarding, traveling, or even dealing with the presence of a new person in the home;
  • getting less exercise.


Pain that hinders pooping

  • arthritis;
  • anal gland abscess;
  • back pain.

Neurologic conditions

  • possible nerve damage;
  • tumors;
  • disc disease.

Structural obstruction

  • prostate enlargement;
  • previous pelvic fracture;
  • intestinal stricture;
  • enlarged abdominal lymph nodes;
  • tumors of the rectum.

Systemic disease

  • hypothyroidism;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • calcium and electrolyte abnormalities.


  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • sucralfate.


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