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10 Worst Animals to Have as Pets

Wild animals as pets? See why experts think this is not a good idea!

Having a pet can come with a lot of benefits. Apart from making your life more entertaining, pets can also help with your mental and physical health. But there are certain animals that do not make good pets. When taken from their natural habitat, certain animals do not react that well; and it’s completely understandable. Even when raised by someone from an early age, wild animals cannot forget their wilder nature and can have unpredictable reactions.

If you find a wild animal that seems to need help, instead of taking it home, try to contact a wildlife specialist to take care of it properly.

Photo by Andrew Chastain on Shutterstock


Capuchins, baboons, or lemurs are all considered primates. They might look cute and friendly, but their behavior is anything but. These animals behave like babies, which includes the daily screaming and mess that everyone is dreading.

But this is not even their biggest drawback. Pet primates are known to go beserk in an instant. Anything can set them off so it’s not something you can really control. Apart from that, they are incredibly strong, despite their small size, and throw or destroy things when they are upset. They can also bite you, which is even more dangerous, because they can be the transmitters of diseases such as hepatitis A and HIV-1.

Big cats

You might like felines, but would you ever opt for a lion as a pet? Some would. Lions, cougars, leopards, tigers might seem interesting for some, but animal experts definitely do not recommend having such animals as pets. They are extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

Some owners think that by declawing them, these animals are less dangerous. Apart from being an atrocious practice, it can affect the animals in horrible ways. It can affect the way they walk, causing enormous pain and severe nerve damage.

Not to mention that large cats are not only dangerous because of their claws, but also because of their large teeth and crushing jaws. One bite from your so-called pet and it might be the last thing you experience. Better stick to cats, don’t you think? Speaking of which, check out these 4 Cat Breeds Most Likely to Attack Their Owners.

Venomous snakes

Why are venomous snakes not the best pets? Well, the answer is in their very name. Their bite can kill you in an instant. If you’re lucky, you might get bitten by a cobra and end up with just an immense pain or go blind from the venom that the snake spits in your eye.

It’s not unheard of for people to take venomous snakes as pets, but is surely is a dangerous endeavor and should be dealt with utmost care. Experts advise against it, though. That’s because if one such animal escapes, you, your family but also your neighbors might be in danger, as the snake can easily cross their territory. If you really are a fan of snakes, opt for one that is not full of venom, so to speak. It’s safer for everybody!


Sure, bear cubs are cute, fluffy and playful. But in their rightful habitat. One’s home is not the proper environment to grow a bear cub which can go as heavy as 1,500 pounds when fully grown. Because, guess, what, they do no stay small forever. They will soon get so big, that you will feel like an ant at their feet. An ant that they can crush with a simple blow of their paw. Do you really want to risk your life like that?


The coati (also known as coatimundi) is a type of raccoon originating from South America. It is also an omnivore, so, not the best animal to have at home. They are also very energetic and hard to train. You don’t want to make them angry, as their denture consists in 38 to 40 very sharp teeth with which they can deliver some very damaging bites.

Despite being extremely active and difficult to control, there are many coati owners out there. Experts warn against keeping these animals as pets, though.


What has pointy teeth, sleeps during the day and flies during the night? Oh, and let’s not forget about being a carrier of rabies and SARS. The answer is bats. Some might think they look cute and all, but bats can be quite dangerous.

Bats usually eat insects and fruits, but some species also consume the blood of other animals (no reference to vampires whatsoever). For this reason, it might be best to admire these tiny animals in the wild instead of keeping them in captivity.

Wolves and coyotes

In case you didn’t know this, wolves and coyotes are not dogs. Contrary to what some people might think, they are wild and dangerous and will not hesitate to attack you if they ever feel threatened. Those who think that they will have some happy companions to play with, should know that these animals usually sleep during the day. Sure, they also play, but when they feel like it, not when you want it to.

Experts warn against keeping such animals in captivity, even if you think you have made all proper arrangements to make their “staying” as close to their habitat as possible.


Kinkajous are part of the same family as coati, only a bit smaller. But don’t let those 7 pounds fool you. Kinkajous can be quite aggressive, especially if you wake them up during the day. Not only can they bite you with their sharp teeth or claw you, but they can also scream quite loudly, enough to scare you away and never bother them again.

Kinkajous are known to be nocturnal animals, thus quite active during the night. For all these reasons, they do not make the best of pets.

Photo by Michaela Pilch on Shutterstock


There are certain types of foxes such as the fennec fox or the silver fix which have been domesticated. Other than that, foxes are not necessarily meant to be kept as pets. Sure, some might say that red foxes, for instances, can be efficiently tamed and controlled, but can you really trust a fox completely?

Foxes are known to have aggressive reactions when feeling threatened, but living outside of their natural habitat, anything can seem threatening to them. Make no mistake, they will bite you in a matter of seconds. In many states across the country, pet foxes that have bitten someone will be euthanized as there is no approved vaccine for foxes for rabies and other diseases. Don’t put yourself and an innocent animal in that situation!

Alligators and crocodiles

An alligator can grow more than 14 feet long and attack (and kill) prey that is larger that them, such as cattle. Imagine growing such a predator in your backyard. Notwithstanding the fact that such an animal cannot be kept in captivity, as it is quite difficult to accommodate it, they come with their own share of diseases. One bite, apart from causing severe infections, can leave you without a part of your body, such as an arm, leg. Also, mating season makes them even more aggressive, which is another strong reason to avoid keeping an alligator or crocodile as a pet.


Not all animals can be turned into pets. Some might seem fluffy, friendly and even tamable, but don’t let their beady eyes and small, adorable ears fool you. Better take their sharp teeth, claws and aggressiveness level into consideration first.

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