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Designer Dogs: 9 Adorable Dog Breeds Created by Humans

kuvasz dog
Photo by La Su from Shutterstock

9. Kuvasz

Last but not least, on our list of adorable dog breeds created by humans, we have the Kuvasz. This breed’s lineage dates back to ancient Tibet, Turkey, and, more notably, Middle Age Hungary. It was originally known as a livestock guardian.

Their courage, patience, and loyalty are particularly impressive traits, as they were able to constantly watch their flock for days and jump into action when necessary to scare wolves or armed rustlers away.

They caught the eye of Hungarian nobles, and according to some legends, King Matthias I trusted his Kucasz dogs more than his palace guards.

If you liked our article on the dog breeds created by humans, you may also want to read 5 Best Police Dog Breeds That Stay Loyal to Their Owners.

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