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9 Cute But Deadly Animals

Photo by Ludmila Ruzickova from

#9 Monkeys and Apes

Because of their closest resemblance to humans, these creatures have a special link with us but also certain drawbacks. Some of the illnesses that apes and monkeys carry are easily transmitted to humans. A little monkey’s bite has the ability to transfer a virus like hepatitis C. If they feel threatened, larger apes like chimpanzees and gorillas have the strength to maul a human.

Even chimpanzees treated as pets have occasionally harmed their owners. According to doctors, it might be brought on by violent traits, illness, or even frustration. In any case, don’t downplay their physical strength. Also, the only primate that actively preys on humans is the chimpanzee.

Do you want to know what the deadliest animal in your state is? Check out: Top 8 Deadliest Animals in Your State

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