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Ocean Giants: The 8 Largest Sea Creatures in the World

Photo by wildestanimal from Shutterstock

#3 Sperm Whale (78.74 Feet)

The spectacular sperm whale, the largest of the toothed whales and the biggest toothed predator among them, is almost 80 feet long. It would be about as tall as an eight-story structure if you stood it on end and placed it in the middle of the street. Its clicking call may reach 230 underwater decibels, which is 170 on land and roughly the volume of a rifle fired just a few feet from one’s ear.

With a brain that weighs almost 20 pounds, it boasts the biggest brain of any creature on earth. Unfortunately, in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, sperm whales were ruthlessly hunted. Whalers were interested in spermaceti, a waxy substance used for torches, soap, cosmetics, lamp oil, and a variety of other commercial purposes. It was found in openings in the whale’s head.

Around 1.1 million sperm whales were present prior to whaling. A few hundred thousand may be a large number compared to other whales that are endangered, but given their once-abundant population, this is nonetheless sad.

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