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Ocean Giants: The 8 Largest Sea Creatures in the World

Courtesy of Pinterest

#7 Oarfish (26.25 Feet)

Oarfishes are frequently referred to as sea serpents or dragons because of their noticeably bizarre shape. The longest bony fish that we are aware of, these creatures are big and dwell 3,300 feet below the surface. They are rarely observed alive and in good health since they spend their time buried in the open ocean’s deep, dark water columns and rarely surface.

Oarfish have very large eyes that they use to see in the extremely low light conditions of the deep parts of the open ocean, their preferred habitat. They rarely come to the ocean surface, perhaps only when lost, and they occasionally wash up on beaches. Most of those that are discovered near the surface or near beaches do not survive. Unlike most fish, the oarfish’s body has no scales.

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