Balconies are a nice place where you can stay to enjoy the sun and have a drink, and it is only normal to also want to let your cat or dog spend this time with you, right? But think twice before you do this. Is this a good idea?
Generally speaking, balconies are not the safest place for pets, especially when they aren’t secured. Our friends like to play, run around and are also extremely curious. This can lead to various accidents where they end up falling or ingesting toxic house plants.
Even if this is more common with cats, dogs can also fall from the balcony. Small pups can squeeze themselves through the railings, while bigger dogs and cats can easily jump from the balcony. You can imagine that this will not end well.
It is true that cats have sharp reflexes that help them fall on their feet, and they may not injure themselves that badly, but this all depends on the height of the balcony. And sometimes they can injure themselves badly, even if they fall from a small height.
If you want to let your pet on the balcony, make sure that it is secured, or even better, enclosed.
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