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4 Most Dangerous Places in Your Home for Pets

Photo by RossHelen from Shutterstock

Garage (cont.)

These are the most common items in a garage that can pose a real threat to your pets:

  • Gasoline and motor oil: the fumes of gasoline are extremely toxic. We understand that you need it for your lawnmower, car, or boat, but always keep it somewhere high up on a shelf, ideally in a locked box, so your dog or cat can’t reach it.
  • Pesticides: If you enjoy gardening, then you probably have some pesticides in your garage. But be careful since if they are ingested by your pet, they can cause serious harm.
  • Antifreeze: this one is well known to kill pets who mistake it for food. It is all because of its sweet smell. But if ingested by a dog or any other pet, it destroys the liver.

Always take care and store dangerous items in plastic bins or secured boxes. Also, don’t forget to clean the floor since our furry friend can lick chemicals off the ground. And last but not least, secure all the electrical components and cables in order to prevent your pet from chewing them.

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