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4 Most Dangerous Places in Your Home for Pets

Photo by sophiecat from Shutterstock


It is not unusual for our pets to follow us in the garage when we prepare to take them for a car ride or are just searching for something. Also, it is not uncommon for our friends to get exposed to the hazards that are hidden inside a garage.

More than that, never ever use the garage as a shelter for your buddy, because it is a terrible idea. It might seem alright at first; after all, it’s a place that is out of the heat in the summer and out of the blizzard in the winter. This is not true at all. Garages are pretty big spaces that get really cold during the winter, and they can heat up in the same way a car left in the parking lot does in the summertime.

Most of us use our garages to store various items. We tend to collect a lot of stuff in there, and many of these things are not safe for our pets.

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