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9 Cute But Deadly Animals

Photo by Conservationist from

#1 Slow Loris

Although the slow loris appears to be harmless, it is among the world’s only venomous mammals. Even if this furry creature is sought after by the illicit pet traders due to its delicate nature, it also carries a toxin that is secreted from the brachial glands on the sides of its elbows.

The loris can take the poison and mix it with saliva in its mouth if it feels threatened. In order to discourage predators from attacking, the animal may either lick or spread this mixture into its hair. Some people who are exposed to this poison pass away from anaphylactic shock.

There are some hypotheses that the loris may have evolved to resemble the cobra because of its bite, hiss-like sounds, sinuous movements, as well as the way it raises its arms over its head in defense.

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