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Stay Safe! These 8 Dangerous Spiders Are in North America Now

Photo by Pong Wira from

#8 Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse spider, which is native to the eastern and central parts of the country, is arguably the deadliest one in all of North America. The brown or grayish body, the violin-shaped patterns, the skinny legs, and the three pairs of eyes serve as telltale signs.

The ability of the brown recluse spider to cut its limbs in order to escape a predator or stop the transmission of venom to the rest of the body is among the most fascinating things to know about this spider. Even more, instead of growing the leg back, it simply alters its movement to make up for the loss.

They aren’t particularly aggressive, and often their bites don’t result in severe symptoms.  However, in a small number of cases, the venom can cause serious problems, including the likelihood of vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, and joint discomfort. Very rarely, internal organ damage and death can result from the brown recluse’s venom.

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