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Stay Safe! These 8 Dangerous Spiders Are in North America Now

Photo by I Wayan Sumatika from shutterstock.com

#6 Red Widow Spider

This species is a near cousin of the more well-known black widow and may be recognized by the upper body’s orange-red hue and the lower abdomen’s black color with bright red spots and different patterns.

The female’s strong, stringy legs can grow up to 2 inches long, whilst the male’s can only measure around an inch long. Most people will never see them because of their very small natural range, which is mostly restricted to the central and southern Florida areas. However, there is some evidence to suggest that their range may be spreading farther north as well.

Even though they are not typically aggressive, red widows have been reported to bite people while defending themselves or their eggs. Pain, cramps, nausea, and sweating are typical symptoms of its bite. 

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