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6 Scary Diseases Your Beloved Pets Might Give You

Image By Cocos.Bounty From Shutterstock


You probably did not see this one coming! After all, we know that you can get salmonella from uncooked eggs and poultry, but we would have never thought you could get it from pets. Yet, you can, but only from very specific ones.

You can get this from reptiles’ skin, and this is because there are live bacteria that live on top of the scales. Yet, while it is more common to contract this disease from reptiles that you or someone you know may keep as pets, there have been cases of salmonella outbreaks caused by chickens, hedgehogs, and even dog food.

To make sure that you do not end up with this disease, wash your hands well after you have played with a reptile and especially after feeding them. If you own one, you should also make sure to clean its enclosure and any other toys they may have.

Animals will not have any symptoms from salmonella since they carry it on their skin, but humans can expect fevers, nausea, even vomiting, chills, and abdominal pain!

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