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Meet Tucker, An Adorable Rescue Dog That Has No Idea That He Looks Like A Bat When He Smiles

Meet Tucker, this three year old rescue dog who is one special little pup. Tucker’s not only special because he’s a rescue dog, but because he resembles features of another interesting animal on this planet. Tucker looks just like a bat and he’s so darn adorable!

Tucker actually has a rare disease called MPS VI, which is a mucopolysaccharide disease that causes various medical issues and deformities. Tucker of course looks a bit odd compared to other dogs, which whenever he smiles, he looks just like a bat. But that’s okay, Tucker’s Mom and so many of us on this planet think Tucker is just adorable!

Tucker unfortunately doesn’t have the easiest life. Aside from looking like a bat when he smiles, he also has deformed legs which makes it impossible to walk on his front paws. He also has eyesight issues too. But none of this stops Tucker from enjoying life and being a happy dog. 

Tucker is one amazing, strong dog who has quite the interesting story! This dog can truly do anything he sets his mind to. Watch Tucker’s entire story below!

We love you Tucker! You are one adorable and special creature! Keep on being the amazing dog you are!


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