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7 Habits Your Dog Wants You to Break

Did you know you have some habits your dog wants you to break?

You love your pet dearly, and while you try your best to keep them happy, there are some things you might want to avoid. Take my gorgeous golden retriever, Ketchup, for example. I can’t help but hug him every hour, but sometimes, as much as I want to squish his adorable face, he gets annoyed and walks away.

I might not be the only one with habits like this, so I chatted with fellow pet owners and some vets around the city to uncover the habits your dog wishes you’d break. Some of these might surprise you! So, without further ado—let’s dive in and get this canine party started!

habits your dog wants you to break
Photo by sergey kolesnikov from Shutterstock

1. Hugging

Let’s return to hugging because many owners love hugging their companions. Ever questioned why your dog freezes when you go all in for a huge hug? Experts say there’s an easy answer. Most dogs simply detest being hugged. Some pooches might become quite anxious as a result.

According to experts, if you can’t stop hugging your dog or if you have a young child who adores giving doggie hugs, you should approach your pup from the side, at their level, and invite them to come to you. Make contact, but don’t force things. Your dog is fine if it leans against you. If you notice that your pup struggles, it’s probably best to leave them alone.

…Did you know that hugging is one of the habits your dog wants you to break?

2. Pet peeves

You buy your pup the best foods on the market. You always take them on walks. Sometimes, even multiple times a day if you have time. What could you be doing wrong? Well, quite a bit, according to vets. As much as we hate to admit it, dogs are part of your family, but they’re not humans. They have quite distinct physical and emotional needs, but because they are dedicated, they can put up with a lot of human craziness.

…Let’s continue with these habits your dog wants you to break! Keep reading!

3. Going for walks when the weather’s boiling

If it’s been a while since you’ve walked barefoot on a scorching sidewalk or driveway, try it the next time you’re about to take your dog for a summer afternoon stroll. You’ll quickly realize that if it’s too hot for your feet, it’s definitely too hot for your dog’s paws! As vets say, burned paws aren’t the only concern—heat stroke is a real risk, too.

Dogs cool off by panting, but it’s not very effective, especially in hot, humid weather. Your pooch’s paws are safer when walking on grass because that tends to be cooler, but how much grass can you find during your walk? To keep your furry friend safe and comfortable, consider moving your walks to the early morning or late evening when temperatures are milder. They’ll be a lot happier.

habits your dog wants you to break
Photo by Will Rodrigues from Shutterstock

4. Not setting boundaries

Speaking of habits your dog wants you to break, it’s also important to talk about things that will keep them safe, and in this case, boundaries are your best friend. Just as you wouldn’t like your young grandkids to roam free in your home, searching in every one of your cupboards, your gorgeous furry friend needs rules and boundaries too. It’s for their own safety.

For instance, allow your dog to walk on a six-foot leash throughout the house. If they venture into an area you don’t want them to, stomp on the leash. Redirect them and give them a delicious treat if they look back at you and listen. This will send them a command regarding what’s okay and what not to do.

However, just remember that the leash is for guidance, not control. Don’t pull on it. Set your pup up for success while you’re not around by preventing access to places they shouldn’t be. As time passes, they’ll learn the areas where they’re allowed or not. Even if they don’t like it at first, they’ll get used to it and find it normal. Now that we’ve covered this subject, let’s continue with the habits your dog wants you to break.

5. Forcing friendships with other pets

Nobody likes forced friendships, including your dear furry friend. This is one of the worst habits your dog wants you to break, but it’s not always that simple. While some pups love to romp with the pack when they’re at the dog park, others are anxious. Your job is to find out what category your pup is in and keep them safe and happy.

Just like humans, not every canine friend is a social butterfly. Some pooches are confident being alone; others prefer being surrounded by one other pup; and others shiver when they’re in a group. Vets recommend you create a small pod of safe pup friends or keep interactions with one pet at a time.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t force your canine friend to stay in an uncomfortable situation just to get used to it. As you can imagine, a scared dog can quickly become aggressive, and that’s surely not what you like. If you want to discover other habits your dog wants you to break, keep reading!

habits your dog wants you to break
Photo by sophiecat from Shutterstock

6. Ignoring their body language

Your pup might not speak our language, but they’re definitely trying to communicate! Dogs use their bodies to express what they’re feeling, and understanding these cues can strengthen your bond and create a happier relationship. While some signs are easy to spot, like leaning in for more attention, others are subtler, like freezing in place or a strange tail wag.

Paying close attention to how your dog reacts in different situations will help you understand their body language better and even prevent issues before they arise. Experts suggest keeping an eye on your dog’s tail, eyes, ears, and posture to truly tune into what they’re trying to tell you.

7. Patting their heads

You probably couldn’t imagine that one of the habits your dog wants you to break is patting their heads, but experts say it’s an important one. Just like hugging, pets are more likely to think that having their heads patted is a sign of dominance from you. That downward hand gesture can be challenging for many pooches, especially those with a history of abuse. Signs that your pup is head-shy might include closing their eyes, ducking, or swaying away from your hand. If you notice any of these behaviors, try starting with gentle pets under their chest and gradually working your way up to scratch behind their ears.

If your dog, who usually loves head scratches, suddenly shows signs of discomfort, it might be worth gently checking their head and ears. They could have developed an ear infection or even a toothache, so a quick check could help keep them comfortable and happy. In case of a severe problem, a visit to the vet will do them just fine!

Do you know any other annoying habits your dog wants you to break? Let us know in the comments below! If you find this article helpful and would like to read more about it, leave a comment below and we’ll take care of part. II! If you want to have fun with your pet, here’s an amazing toy that will put a smile on their pawsome faces!

Until next time, here’s another interesting post for you: Dogs That Eat Grass Probably Have THIS Hidden Problem


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