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Feathered Friends: The 6 Most Gorgeous Birds to Keep as Pets

Photo by Ondrej Prosicky from Shutterstock

#4 Scarlet Macaw

Large, colorful, and clever macaws are well-known for their striking feathers and outspoken personalities. They are particularly well-known for their sophisticated mimicry of human speech, and it has been reported that they can pick up quick phrases and even song fragments. They are well-known for having tremendous levels of energy and enjoying play, movement, and flight. They, therefore, need a lot of room for both their physical and emotional health.

Macaws need to eat a well-rounded diet that should include different fruits, vegetables, nuts, and a carefully made pellet or seed diet. Moreover, they always need access to fresh water. Because of their large, powerful beaks, they must chew on something tough to keep them clean and robust. Furthermore, when bored, they are known to be destructive, so it’s important to give them a lot of toys to gnaw on and play with.

Overall, macaws are highly intelligent and gregarious birds that make good companions, but they require a significant amount of effort and time. To make sure they thrive, they need care and attention, lots of room, a good diet, and veterinary care.

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