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Feathered Friends: The 6 Most Gorgeous Birds to Keep as Pets

Photo by Taleon Diegues from Shutterstock

#5 Canary

Small and colorful, the Wild Canary—also called the Atlantic Canary—is a native of the Macaronesian islands of the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. These birds are a favorite among bird watchers due to their eye-catching greenish-yellow coloration and yellow underparts. While they are not as noisy as some other finch species, wild canaries are regarded as vivacious, active birds with a cheery song.

Domestic canaries are well-liked for their beauty, upbeat melodies, and simplicity of upkeep. They are a fantastic choice for novice bird owners because they are well-known for being resilient birds that adapt well to captivity.

Canaries require only a small amount of upkeep and a spacious cage filled with a variety of perches and toys. They thrive on a diet high in seeds, supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Placing the cage in a sunny location is an excellent idea because canaries love when they have a lot of light and fresh air. The domestic canary can survive up to 10 years if given the right care and attention.

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