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Category: Animals

Toxic items

7 Everyday Items That Are Toxic for Pets

7 Innocent-Looking Household Items That Could Send Your Pet to the ER Pet owners know how easy it is to overlook potential risks. Many common

Scary Animals

5 Scary Animals That Are (Mostly) Harmless

Can These Intimidating Animals Be Our Friends? What do you think about when you say the word ‘scary’? Most people would say they imagine creatures


Can Carnivorous Squirrels Hurt You?

Should We Be Afraid of Carnivorous Squirrels? Squirrels in California changed their dietary preferences, as it turns out. According to the latest study conducted by

Weird Pets

12 Weird Celebrity Pets

Celebrities and their Weird Pets When we think of celebrities and Hollywood stars, we often picture luxurious lifestyles filled with expensive cars, designer clothes, and